

Fur Warm and Orange Toasty

Day 2 I was lying on the sofa with my new camera trying out different focus setting and I took this picture. I title it Fur Warm and Orange Toasty my little pug dog was snuggly under my favorite blanket.


  1. I love it! Love the new header too!

  2. Lovely photo! Pug dogs are adorable. I wish my darling dog would lay under a blanket. She always seems to think a blanket is some kind of trap. Oh, well...

  3. That does look cosy. With all this snow I'd love something snug to get under. My husband is crazy about pugs, he wants one so much!

    Ooh by the way I tagged you (check my blog) x


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow