

Day Glow

I took my glow worms from my toy collection 1980’s Christmas past outside - they haven’t seen day-lite in a while so I thought I could super charge them with the sun. They were one of my favorite toys from my past. My pictures are titled Day Glow. Who had Glow Worms when they were little??? Thing a day 5


  1. I did! I loved those things. ...Wonder where they went?

    Great pictures!

  2. Sad to say, I never heard of them. I wish I had because they are cute! I did have a Barbie whose hair changed color in the sunlight. Does that count? :)

  3. Glow worms! I haven't thought about those in years!

    I loved mine so much. Wonder where he ended up...

    Do you remember Poochie and Keypers?

    Keypers were the best : )

  4. They are adorable even though I have no idea what they are lol

  5. well i still got one or 2 of them here with me but well when thay came out i well had been in my pre teens so i well did not play with toys by then and well when my oldest came a round 18 teen years a go well i was grown up by then and well any time i seen them i get them for her since i always did like them even thogh i did not play with them just like all the other grate toysthat had been out in the 80's and i kind of wish thay start makeing more of them that way i would not have to keep looking a round for them in well the 2nd hand stores and things but when i do find them its like hiting gold. for what ever old toy i may find that well i may have or not played with if i do recall it well its a got to have for me

  6. Thanks for all of the great comments - They make my day!

  7. (Hopped over here from Thing-A-Day.)

    I don't know about any bag it came in. And mine is NOT in very good shape. I think a pet rat I had a while ago nibbled on it's nubbies.

    Here's mine:

  8. Wow this has given me a sudden burst of nostalgia.. thank you!! I also really like your corn starch necklace... how durable is that dough when its dried? Would it withstand rain?

  9. Wouaaa it's such a nice emotion to read this post. I had as a child those exact two glow worms !!!! :D


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow