

Homemade for the Holiday Pledge

I'm asking all artists, designers and crafters 101 reasons why you are going to buy or make handmade/vintage gifts for this holiday season (Please add your reason - so we can make it to 101) If you wish to participate, please follow with a comment starting with the #1 and then continuing till we get to # 101.


  1. Because each one is unique like person you are giving it to.

  2. # 2. I am making all the of the "girls" in my family an adjustable apron with pockets, matching pot holders and dishtowel hangers. They range in age from 2 years old (she's only getting the apron, trying to think of something else for her, any ideas?) to the age of 74. The aprons all have a loop sewn on them so they can hang the dishtowel hanger from their apron while they work.

    I'm doing this because every year they ask me when am I gonna give them something from my sewing room. I could never think of something until this year...then wammmoooo! the idea hit me.

    Hope you all have a safe and blessed Holiday season!


  3. Redundancy earlier this year and my youngest baby starting school left me with free time for the first time in years so I've been rediscoving my creative side. The results were a pretty elaborate needlework for my parents and I joined the Holiday Traditions Exchange over at Sew Liberated. That was really fun. I'm planning to do a lot more for next year as my mother-in-law supplemented my refound sewing skills with loads of beautiful embroidery thread.

  4. #4. I am (whenever possible) wrapping gifts in Furoshikis, which are squares of fabric that are hemmed and reusable. I'll be making them from fabric in my stash. There are many ways to use them beyond the typical 2 wine bottle wrap, you can go to to see.

  5. #4. ok so I am tired and holding a fussy baby, now to answer the actual question. I'm making waldorf style dolls for my daughters, because I want them to have something special that was made spacifically for them by me. I dream of making ALL my gifts but back to the fussing baby...

  6. #5 I love Jesus and I want people to know that he cares deeply about all those exploited by our lack of creativity and the "buy it now" consumerism we live in. God gave us such creative minds and hearts...I want those I love to be a branch of that creativity.

    I'm making quite a plethora of gifts - homemade lip balm, the awesome slippers here on the blog, homemade baby onesies and other gifts I found from aronzo aronzi (super cute stuff!). Its hard coming up with gifts for the father/father-in-law, but I'll get there (hopefully fast!)

  7. Hi, quite simply because I'm lacking money, is that a good reason? Making your own presents feels good on your wallet. And makes you feel good inside and also I think shows you care enough about the other person to make something for her or him.

  8. #7 Buying second hand goodies and locally made, to suppliment my own made. It is so much more fun, as well as saving money it saves the stress of shopping in the hectic stores. Love the slippers!!

  9. I am buying / making handmade gifts this year because I truly appreciate the love that goes into each gift. My sister was disappointed one year when she did not get a handmade gift. So now it is our tradition. And I support indie artists and how they share themselves with the world. Big hug, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Reason for the Season . . .

  10. #9 (my favourite number!)

    I'll be making and baking handmade gifts for Yule this year because I can put all my positive energy and love into it. Which makes it worth more than any massively manufactured item.
    I want to see the emotion that is drawn out of my gifts, I want the recipient to feel special and unique. Like a snowflake... of which there are many this year.

    Holiday Blessings and have a wonderful New Year.


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow