

Contest - Win a Mini Digital Camera

I will be having a contest and the prize is this lovely mini digital camera. As a artist/ crafter/photographer I am always on the look for great ideas and inspiration. Having a camera with you at all times makes it easy to take a picture so you won't forget your image and file it away in your inspiration notebook. This mini camera is perfect to keep with you at all times and have ready when ever that great idea pops in your head.   Info on the fabulous prize: The mini camera is a 3-in-1 that hold up 243 photos, you can capture several seconds of live action or you can connect to your Mac/PC to send images simultaneously through the Internet. You also get the USB cable to connect to your computer, easy to use software and "AAA" battery to get you on your way. The Contest will run until 12.15.08 midnight EST
HOW TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY: • Post a comment here letting me know how your family is going green this holiday season.   • Make sure your e-mail is entered correctly in the form in case you win. Please don't be anonymous. • Giveaway ends on December, 15th at midnight EST. • All residents of the world are eligible for this giveaway. • The winner will be chosen using a random number generator. • The winner will be announced the following day - Good Luck!
Here are some extras to make the contest more exciting
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If the winner comes from your blog, you'll win a prize too! Be sure to tell your readers to mention they came from your blog when they post their entry... Just cut and paste the below text in your blog: JUST COPY & PASTE THE CODE
I've added the blogger "follow" gadget to this blog --> follow me and I will follow you.
Good luck and thanks for playing!


  1. hi, cinderblock here from craftster:
    my family is using a tree from out behind our house that we planted 7 years ago and then we are planting new ones like a mini tree farm. also, we aren't putting lights on our tree this year because they always spike our electricity bill, we might be getting a timer but probably just light them up for family to see. I myself use newspaper to wrap presents and so does my brother (who ironically is 24) and my mom recycles the bags that she recieves presents in.

  2. Hey there, I am from craftster too. I really came to see what more we could do this holiday to go green. But since there aren't many up, I thought I would add what little we are doing.

    I have an artificial tree, it isn't as pretty, but no trees had to be cut down for it. Also this year I am not putting lights on my house and have convinced my brother not to either.

    This year we are carpooling to the holiday parties. Instead of us taking all of our own cars my aunt is packing me, my mom and brother (3 cars) as well as my grandparents (1 more) in her van and taking us to our destination.

    All my relatives are getting reusable shopping bags from me. They all know it too and can't wait for it. As every year, we have a no wrapping paper rule. If it can't be reused we don't allow it. Gift bags are okay, but I just wrap things in tulle, it is pretty and then I get it back to use again.

    This isn't really green, but all my coworkers and I are making food baskets for the local food pantry. We each bring in some stuff and when there is enough for a basket someone (usually on their break) puts it together. We have three so far, but are thinking in the next couple of weeks we would like to donate 10.

    I think that is it, but I can't wait to see what others are doing!


  3. My family is going just that little bit unconventional this year. :) We're having an entirely electicity-free Christmas, using candles and coal-fire [I can't remember what they're called! But they're perfect for roasting marshmellows on], and we're slow cooking all our food on it - delicious dampers, baked veggies, popcorn, and slow roast chicken!
    We're even using a crank-powered gramaphone that our Pop had stashed away!
    We're also buying a lot of our food from markets, to save on over-packaging.

  4. Duh. Should've said, this is Nostrum from Craftster :D

  5. hey, johnarae89 here from craftster and i absoloutly love going green!!! yay!! my boyfriend and i are decorating a tree in our back yard ( that way we dont have to cut it down, we need all the clean oxygen we can get right?!) then we're making ornaments out of seeds and a dough thats based on doggy bisquits (it's all animal safe, dont worry!) that way all the animals can have a happy christmas too :)

  6. This is owleyes from craftster.

    This year, for the holidays, I am sending out cards made of recycled paper (homemade) and a lino print I carved... even the envelopes are from reused credit card offers that I constantly get in the mail.

    I am not much of a Christmas fan and don't really decorate for it. So, I don't cut down trees or waist electricity on Christmas lights :)

  7. Our Greener Holiday:

    Christmas Tree- Artificial, from decades ago--We don't feel the need to buy another one and be wasteful.
    For lighting my dad bought LED lighting.

    For gifts, we're reusing old bags, boxes, and this fancy schmancy reusable gift wrap we had (our entire family does it so we're not worried about them not recycling! :P) and also I will personally be wrapping my gifts in pieces of fabric I have laying around. Note: For our gifts to each other in the house, we really don't wrap 'em, as it's a waste, we just wrap presents for distant family/friends*

    Ooh yeah I almost forgot-- We are only making our own & buying local-made toys (also, ETSY!! Love it!!), because even though the gas prices have went down, air pollution is still going up. It is more "green" to buy locally.

    And, although this only has partly anything to do with being green and partly with spending time together, we've decided to cut tvs, mp3s, cell phones, and all that stuff off.

    Finally, since my older siblings are in college, they are coming home for the holidays, on a bus instead of driving.

    --Not really important but: For our gift tags, we're using these biodegradable flower-like shape things that are embedded w/ sunflower seeds that you just plant and water...They're really awesome!

    Anyway, I think this is going to be a great christmas this year!! Even though we are still in a recession, we can make the best out of it and go green. And besides, it's cheaper!!

    **Haha, sorry it's so long!!
    Strawberrieshk from Craftster!

  8. Our family is not buying anything new for gifts...we are "regifting" or making our gifts this year. It is so fun getting a sweater I have coveted from my sister or a new to me book or dvd. Family pictures, recipes, etc. also have appeared. Even though it is challenging to make the gifts special, so much less stressful then shopping and much greener! We also recycle gift bags that we have received throughout the year.

  9. Sweet blog... i love reading it!

    Last year, almost all the gifts I gave were one's I'd handknit/sewn/painted. As a full-time grad student, I won't be able to do the making this year, but I hope to find most of the gifts I'll give between etsy and my favorite local consignment shop!

    Also, in lieu of a tree I've hung some of my favorite ornaments throughout the house! :-D Kind of fun to find them hanging around in random places! And, as always... re-using or creating my own wrapping paper.

    Happy Thanksgiving... hard to believe its just over a week away!

  10. Our Greeneer Christmas.

    We used led lights and have them on a timer so they dont get forgotten on. I have also been making a lot of my gifts this year from leftover fabrics and yarns, also for my grandparents I am organizing all of their old photographs for them. I am also doing some canning and making gifts of apple and cranberry sauce for people like teachers and baby sitters so there is no wast ther since the jars are reusable.

    and as always I will be reusing ribbon, tins and giftbags from previous years.

    Also from craftster
    Erin McNeil

  11. cheebz here from craftster.

    My sister just had a baby, so the family is pooling our resources to make/get green baby gifts to make my sister's life easier. In addition to the fabric grocery sacks that I am making everyone, she will be getting cloth burp pads and diapers from me. We are also investing in webcams for the family because my sister lives in hawaii and we want the baby to be able to see us as it grows up without the huge strain on the environment that frequent trips to the mainland would contribute to.
    We will also have a fake tree and will be wrapping gifts in last years paper. My cousin's family is donating sheep instead of giving gifts this year.

  12. We're talking to the families about doing only handmade or recycled gifts, but I don't know how well that's going to go yet!

    Neat contest!

  13. Hey, I included your contest in my 'go green for the holidays' post today :)

  14. hello-

    this year, i'm making all of my gifts. i'm making my boyfriend a blanket out of recycled wool sweaters that have been felted, and i'm making earrings and knitting scarfs for my mom and sister-in-law. my dad and brother are still up in the air... possibly scarfs and hats or maybe some used books recovered with my own design.

    love your blog!

  15. My partner and I are trying to use items we already own to make handmade gifts for everyone this year. That way we not only reduce all of the excess of a store bought gift, but we also save on the gas waisted from driving around doing holiday shopping! Plus, I have seen so many great ideas in the comments here that I plan on using!

  16. wasted. oh gosh, i'm embarrassed.

  17. I linked to you via dabble.

    I am definitely making a lot of gifts for this Christmas: notecards, scrapbooks, beaded jewelry, perhaps some sewing if I'm really ambitious. These will all be made from stuff I already have in my stash.

    We're also planning to ask some of our family to consider donating to food banks in lieu of sending us gifts this year.

  18. I'm going green by making cards out of recycled items!

  19. We're trying a couple of new things this year to have a "green" Christmas. To start off, we made a tree skirt out of an old bridesmaid dress that we upcycled. (Full tutorial here)

    We're also going to create natural centerpieces for Thanksgiving and Christmas, out of things found in the yard. (Full tutorial here)

  20. Hi friend how's it going? Us for a green Chrismas we start by giving self made presents or trading present or service cards, and we don't use electric lights at all, and are careful with the packaging, what a great giveaway I'm inviting you to my new blog for more giveaways at

  21. I always recycle wrapping for gifts. I keep all the wrapping paper, ribbons and gift bags that I've received from previous gifts in good condition. The cute patterns on wrapping papers can also be used to make handmade cards :)

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  22. Following your blog.
    Also blogged:

    I've added you on twitter, but pending request. Thanks!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  23. I'm also here from craftster :)

    My family and I always save wrapping paper and reuse 'em! I started taking up crafting this year so I'll probably be giving homemade gifts too!

  24. I've linked you up at

  25. My mom, sister and I purchased lovely gift boxes years ago and we continue to use them each year, doing away with the need for gift wrap.

  26. I make my own ornaments for my Christmas tree and I recycled old ones. The ornaments I placed on my Christmas tree are made of gift wrappers from gifts I received two years ago and the box were made of cereal and milk boxes. You can see that in my Earthly explorations blog.

    I subscribed to your feed and placed your button on my sidebar here

  27. [i'm having trouble logging into my blogger account right now so i just chose to show up "anonymous"]

    hi! my family buys our tree from a renouned tree farm that plants 2 more for every 1 they cut down.

    happy blogging and happy living!

  28. My family is going green this holiday season by recycling old ornaments (instead of buying new ones) and ditching Christmas lights altogether (to minimize our carbon footprint).

  29. This is very interesting content! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your points and have come to the conclusion that you are right about many of them. You are camera


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow