

Summer Doldrums Contest At

Dot from is having a wonderful contest and the theme is "Summer Doldrums". Here is all the info - I am one of the guest judges so please take a look and enter one of your creations for a chance to win great prizes. Deadline will be July 31! Good Luck and happy crafting!!                                                   Summer Doldrums Beat the heat (or cold, if you're in that part of the world)! Arts & Crafts that celebrate summer, particularly stuff for kids (or for kids at heart). Accepted are: artwork, crafts, & tutorials. I'm going to ask some of our past winners to be judges this time (unless they want to enter themselves!). There will be prizes (TBA, but they will include both fun kids stuff & original artwork... Plus the fame and fortune that comes with links back to your blog! Good luck and happy crafting, Tissuepapers -

1 comment:

  1. Hi Still have problems with my english and am wondering what does doldrum mean.?


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow