

Contest - Cleanfest Crafty Grab Bag Give-A-Way

As part of my Cleanfest May 2008 Clean Up of my entire house I will host another contest to help get my house into shape. Yesterday I started to purge my crafting room to see what I could get part with. I just had why to many odds and ends. I found some really great crafty supplies that I have not used in some time. So I thought why just throw them away when I can sent them out to a fabulous crafter and they can give some love to my them!!

Announcing: Crafty Grab Bags of Goodness Giveaway

Here is what I found so far but keep in mind that I have not finished going through my crafting room so there will be many more items that I will add to the grab bag. So it will almost be a suprise when one lucky winner opens the box!!

Please just sent me a comment here to this post and I will choice a random name on May 21st at midnight for one lucky winner.



  1. wow.. look at all that zippery goodness! Good luck on your cleaning project. =)

  2. i love free stuff! :D
    but i'm from Chile, i think it would be expensve send it here (even more expensive that the stuff there in the photo :D)

  3. Oh my oh my! Just look at all that loot! I just do not have the heart to clean out my craft cupboard and every time I do throw something out I need it later :P.

    Good luck on the spring clean!

  4. Camila - This contest open to the entire world! If you promise to give my crafty stuff the proper respect it deserves - If you win yes I will sent it to Chile! :) Good luck!!!

    Colee- I don't know why I was collecting all of those zippers - I thought maybe somewhere sometime I just might need to zip up something - that never happened - now it can be someones lucky prize

    Thanks so much and good luck to all!

  5. Yay for cleaning & contests!

  6. Wow. Goodluck with the cleaning! Looks like its going good so far. =]

  7. Love the lime green zippers!

  8. oh la la! i <3 free things! especially craft-related! :-)

  9. Just saw the link to your blog on Craftster! I'm looking forward to reading it, and learning more crafty goodness!

    Must admit: was the contest that really grabbed my attention! Thanks from all of us!

  10. I love how crafters are so eager to give their extra supplies away rather then sell it or just chuck it =D

  11. what a lovely way to purge some craft supplies and make someone else very happy. :)

    thanks for doing this and congrats to the lucky recipient!


  12. I see beads! This is a really nice way to destash, have fun cleaning!

    indigo_roses (on Craftster)

  13. good luck cleaning! thanks for being so nice as to share some crafty goodies!

  14. Good luck on your spring cleaning and your new Mac!!(I just recently purchased a new Mac myself <3)
    xo Melissa

  15. Ooh! Ooh! I'm so entering for a chance to win crafty stuff. Especially since it looks like there's some sewing stuff and I just got my first machine ever and I don't have anything for it and I'm the most newbie newbie ever and stuff would be awesome.

    (Plus my birthday is in May so craft stuff win would be double awesome.)

  16. How generous to give your extra stuff away! Those lime green zippers are just screaming "Purse!!!" to me. :)

    Hope the cleaning goes well.

  17. oh man I already have plans for what I could make with that stuff if I was to win!!

  18. i really need to do the cleanup thing as well...

  19. This is too cool! Good Luck to everyone!!

  20. I would so love the crafty goodies if I was worthy enough to win :) I keep buying zippers to make little pouches that keep disappearing somehow :)

  21. Oooooh goodies!
    This just reminds me that I desperately need to de stash....I'll put it off for another year. :)

  22. What a neat idea! I am saving this in my folder of bloggy goodness!

  23. oh, what a cool idea for a contest!

  24. Yeah! What fun! I'm always running out of notions, so I could use some freebies! :-)

  25. ME ME ME ME ME! all the zippery awesomeness! for the poor lil university student me! hehe

    good luck with ur cleaning!

  26. wow you are such a generous crafter! good luck and have fun with the clean up!

  27. Oh wow, looks like you've got some really cool stuff in there! *crosses fingers* Thanks for being so generous, and good luck with the cleaning!:)

  28. It's really sweet of you to think of passing on the things you aren't using or don't need. Always better to recycle/gift it/give it away than trash it!

  29. Ooh what a great idea. I usually just pass extra stuff onto a friend, but I might consider this next time.

  30. ooooh! shiny pretty things! I am in the process of building my crafty stash, and goodies like these excite me! so much potential...

  31. Woah! I wish I had such great stuff laying around my craft room! ^_^

  32. Hm... you can never have too much crafty goods! That lime green zipper would actually look great with that green flower pillow case skirt I'm planning to make..... :D

  33. I just saw you post on Craftster and had to stop by : ) Great idea btw, when I get around to organising my stash I might have to do the same thing : )

  34. Oh I so need to do this too, my stash is taking over my apartment!

    Good luck with your cleaning :)

    Also - I LOVE your dogs!

  35. Hey, that stuf is great! I´m from Holland and I love to get some stuf from somewere else in the world!

  36. I'm currently studying for finals, the perfect time to get exciting new additions to my stash - you all know what I'm talking about!!!!!!!

  37. Cool give-a-way. I'm doing the spring clean up, too. But I'm actually making things with my craft stuff.

  38. I spy jewelry finding in there...and sewing notions...oh my, it's two of my many crafty obsessions! LOL

    I can't bear to part with any of my (as of yet) measly craft stash. Heck, I'm just now building it up!

    Peace & Love,
    Craft Junkie
    aka Steeel Magnolia on Craftster

  39. Oooo!! I'd love to win it. Cool grab bag! Thank you so much for the chance :)

  40. I see all KINDS of things there I could use. *S* Maybe #40 will be lucky this time.

  41. i couldn't get rid of all that stuff. glad you can though =]

  42. You so silly! :-)

  43. Zippers & Buttons & Thread... Oh My! Happy Cleaning :)

  44. OoOoooh! I love goodies. Pick me, pick me!

  45. Holy cow, it looks like piles of crafty stuff I leave everywhere in my house. :-) I think that perhaps the worst/best part of crafting is the addiction to buying stuff we think we might need, "sometime" in the future. Good luck cleaning it all up/out. I don't have the patience to clean all my craft supplies. :-D

  46. It`s a good idea. I'm from Spain, is not a problem? Thank you for your cleaning!

  47. Fun-zippers, buttons, the works! I started sewing a bit ago and am addicted!

  48. Ooh...I love surprises (and your post reminded me I need to do some cleaning too!)

  49. I found your blog thru your towel shrug on crafster. (which i am hoping to try in a plus size). i am a craft goodie junkie. my aunts send me their goodwill stuff first so i can recon zippers and buttons before being given away.

  50. Beads! Do I smell beads!! ... and sewing notions....

    ... I'm like a drug dog when it comes to crafty things :-) hehe!

    you have a great blog!!

  51. Oh i love surprise bags, always so much fun goodies!

  52. Oooh, grab bag! You're decluttering your stash, and I'm building mine! One woman's trash...

  53. Good luck on cleaning up. I'd love to win this one!!
    (currently too lazy to sign in)

  54. Oh-what-fun! I can imagine what I could do with it all!


  55. i just found your blog via craftster! love it.

    i've never won one of these contests before, but it's worth a shot, right?

  56. How exciting! I love your blog and am adding it to my google-reader right now!

  57. Wow! It's so nice of you to do this! Hope your cleaning project is coming along well.

  58. Wow how generous of you to do this! I heart free stuff :) Good luck with your cleaning!

  59. wow, you are wonderfully sweet to do this! Look at all that great stuff, zippers, beads, thread...great stuff! Good luck on cleaning out the house, I just did a house purge myself so I know how it feels.

  60. yay crafts! yay give-a-ways! yay tissupapers!

  61. I have been inspired by your cleanfest, today I cleaned the first floor of my home, soon I hope to tackle my craft room.

  62. Hahaha great idea!
    Perhaps I should try this...

  63. Another visitor from far away, greetings from the the land of Santa, Finland! I ended up here from Crafster. I just love your little beach cover-up. I think I'm going to make one to wear in a wedding in June. Not from a towel though ;)

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  64. Count me in


  65. love crafy goodness! want to win
    3beez at bellsouth dot net

  66. good luck cleaning and organizing! Shastaw2006(at)yahoo(dot)com

  67. good luck with the cleaning, I just went through and did some reorganization myself!

  68. My name is Karina, I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow