

Mini Pink Digital Camera Give-a-way

As part of my Blogging Debut and with many thanks and hugs to my friend Jewelfaerie for helping set up my blog. I will be having a contest and the prize is this lovely pink mini digital camera. As a artist/ crafter/photographer I am always on the look for great ideas and inspiration. Having a camera with you at all times makes it easy to take a picture so you won't forget your image and file it away in your inspiration notebook. This little pink camera is perfect to keep with you at all times and have ready when ever that great idea pops in your head.  I have made a little case for you to keep it in too. 

The pink camera is a 3-in-1 that hold up 243 photos, you can capture several seconds of live action or you can connect to your PC to send images simultaneously through the Internet.  You also get the USB cable to connect to your computer, easy to use software and "AAA" battery to get you on your way. 

The Give-A-Way will run until 3.25.08 midnight EST  -  just send me a comment- please don't use the anonymous ( I don't think I will be able to know who you are and I want to make sure I know who the winner will be when the contest is over!! ) or even better subcribe to my crafting blog ( I have so many great ideas for the furture - just wait and see! ) On the deadline date I will pull a comment # from the list and that will be the lucky winner!
Good luck and thanks so much for all of the comments, it really makes me happy to see everyone stopping by my new blog. Once again thanks so much - Tissuepapers


  1. hi there!!
    please include me in your give a way and good luck with this blog! I love anything vintage and today I made a log cabin quilt block pillow...YAY!!

  2. Hey, the camera looks really cool and I also signed up for your newsletter. Thank you!

  3. how do u sign up ...if this is how u do it ...i am in!!!i also subcribed to your blog to!!!

  4. Good luck with your blogging!
    I always want to blog but never can seem to find the time.
    I will definitely be checking back :-)
    Rosa xx

  5. Hello tissuepapers,
    It's good to see another craft site. Good luck with this and put me in the drawing for the camera.

  6. Good to have another craft site! Good luck and sign me up for the give away.

  7. Sweet photography! Your blog is beautifully presented - I've bookmarked it! Good luck!

  8. That is the cutest camera ever!

  9. Good luck with the blog. Sign me up for the drawing! How will you know who we are if we don't have a google identity or whatever?

  10. that's the prettiest camera ever! sign me up! :) good luck with your blogging, can't wait to read about your projects! take care / karin (karinbroberg at gmail dot com)

  11. i'd love that camera! :P
    i've also subscribe and good luck on your blog!!

  12. Hi, Congratulations on your new blog! I saw you on craftster and decided to check it out, glad i did! I'm a subscriber so i cant wait to see what exciting new things you come up with! Please add me to your giveaway, i could really do with a cute camera like that! ;) Good luck!! xx

  13. I love your craft name and your products. Another great prize and in pink, ohhh! :)

  14. i am new to blogs and stuff, and definitely not anonymous. my name is ruth ford, i hail from the UK but am living in paris right now. that pink camera looks AMAZING and i'd love it since my own camera got nicked. gess i'll have to cross my fingers and hope...
    have subscribed to your blog, looking forward to your crafty wisdom
    ruthie tuesday

  15. sign me up! I'm definately gonnna add you to my RSS feed!

  16. I like what you have done so far. Good luck blogging. I know it will be a sucess. (oh, and cute camera too!)

  17. congrats on your blog. what a great idea - to have a tiny camera for inspiration! i am really interested to see what you post in the future :) i am going to check out the "thing a day" thing too, sounds neat! happy blogging.

  18. Just saw you on craftster!! Good luck on your new blog!! I just subscribed.... very cute pink camera, it would match all my pinkness!!

  19. Ooh, that's adorable :] I don't use blogger but I'll be sure to add your blog to my bookmarks toolbar, which I check several times a day :]

  20. Wow! What a great way to get people involved in your blog! I love it (and this super duper cute camera)!!!

  21. Hey I saw you at Craftster's and wanted to say hi and wish you good luck with the blog! Hopefully someday ill start my own blog, but for now I will just stalk yours XD!!

  22. I love the paper dove! definitely add my name to the drawing for the camera! I love that it is hubby wouldn't use it! Plus mine has gone funky on me.

    I have two blogs, one foodie ( and one crafty (

    my job is quite demanding so i don't have as much time to create and blog as i would like...but then at least i get to read fun blogs like yours!

    looking forward to more ideas....

  23. Oh no, you didn't! Giving a pink camera away 1 week before your BFF's Bday?????? I suppose I can forgive you since I have one!

    Your blog is rockin' gal. I'm jealous! Luv ya, mean it!

  24. Hi I would love to be in the giveaway.

  25. Count me in! What a great giveaway... thanks so much!

    - TheresaJ

  26. Found your contest via your comment on My Inner French Girl...

    Congratulations on the new blog - it looks great so far!

  27. so many great ideas! Can't get enough of allthe stuff! Great finding you!

  28. i can't believe i haven't entered this giveaway! love your blog and i'm crossing my fingers that i win :)

  29. Please include me in your giveaway. The camera looks great. And I love pink!!

  30. Thanks you for such a generous giveaway.

  31. Neat camera! Please sign me up for your camera give away! I'm also subscribing to your blog!

  32. Great giveaway! Thanks for letting us know on Smidge :)

    Count me in, I could use a mini pink camera!

  33. Wow! I found you through a blog linked on etsy. This is very generous of you. Thanks for having the contest. Here is my entry.:)

  34. I can't wait to see what you're planning!

  35. What a generous prize!! So cool! Welcome to blogging. I've subscribed to your blog. Hope to read more from you :)

  36. So cute! And handy! Count me in!!!

  37. Good luck on the new blog. Count me in on the camera give-away. It would be perfect for my granddaughter's birthday.

  38. YAY...I love this give-a-way! :)

    Congrats on your new blog too! If you'd like to link blogs, just pop by mine and leave me a comment.

    While you're there, you can enter my give-a-way too! :)


  39. I would like to win an adorable mini pink camera!
    taradawnrobertson at hotmail dot com

  40. What an adorable, feminine camera. I wish you much luck with you new blog site! I think it would be fun to have my own blog. Just don't have the oomph, yet. Please enter me in your drawing. I appreciate it! Thanks,Cindi

  41. Fabulous! Just what every girl needs a little pink digital camera! Please include me in the giveaway!


  42. Thanks for the chance at this camera. I found your blog through craftster.

  43. Please enter me in the contest.

  44. What a wonderful blog! I couldn't resist signing up for your newsletter or entering your giveaway for that great camera and not to mention it's my favorite color PINK!(Ok, I admit it,I'm so girly). Thank you!


  45. My daughter would have fun with this camera. Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com

  46. What a great way to start - by having a contest!! Goodluck on blogging and enter me in the contest! ;-)

    email: grace [at] sandierpastures dot com

  47. I'm a new blogger, too. Good luck with it! Since I lost my camera cheering on the runners at the Twin Cities Marathon, I would love to have this sweet little replacement! I think my husband would appreciate me not borrowing his, also. haha. Thanks for the chance!

  48. Fun blog! I would absolutely love this camera! Thanks for the chance!

  49. who doesn't need a pink camera!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comments - Thanks Lisa Ancarrow